🎉 Happy School Lunch Hero Day! 🎉 Help us thank ALL of our La Joya ISD Child Nutrition Services Department for the exceptional work they do every day to ensure our students are provided the appropriate nutritional needs to excel in our schools. Thank you!!! #LJISDTraditionOfExcellence #SchoolLunchHeroDay
over 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
🎉 Happy School Lunch Hero Day!  🎉 Help us thank ALL of our La Joya ISD Child Nutrition Services Department for the exceptional work they do every day to ensure our students are provided the appropriate nutritional needs to excel in our schools. Thank you!!! #LJISDTraditionOfExcellence #SchoolLunchHeroDay
🎉 Happy School Lunch Hero Day!  🎉 Help us thank ALL of our La Joya ISD Child Nutrition Services Department for the exceptional work they do every day to ensure our students are provided the appropriate nutritional needs to excel in our schools. Thank you!!! #LJISDTraditionOfExcellence #SchoolLunchHeroDay
🎉 Happy School Lunch Hero Day!  🎉 Help us thank ALL of our La Joya ISD Child Nutrition Services Department for the exceptional work they do every day to ensure our students are provided the appropriate nutritional needs to excel in our schools. Thank you!!! #LJISDTraditionOfExcellence #SchoolLunchHeroDay
🎉 Happy School Lunch Hero Day!  🎉 Help us thank ALL of our La Joya ISD Child Nutrition Services Department for the exceptional work they do every day to ensure our students are provided the appropriate nutritional needs to excel in our schools. Thank you!!! #LJISDTraditionOfExcellence #SchoolLunchHeroDay
La Joya ISD celebrates our employees of the year!! Congratulations to Juanita Marysol Martinez on being named Campus Teacher of the Year, Jennifer M. Garza on being named Campus Instructional Assistant of the Year, and Lisa Monica Garcia on being named Support Staff of the Year for Emiliano Zapata Elementary. #LJISDTraditionOfExcellence
over 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
Juanita Marysol Garcia-Martinez
Jennifer M. Garza
 Lisa Monica Garcia
At La Joya ISD we are a Tradition of Excellence to ensure all students Shine Bright. Now enrolling for the 2023 - 2024 school year. ENROLL TODAY, Choose La Joya ISD! To complete the online enrollment, click on link below: https://www.lajoyaisd.com/page/office-of-admissions-records For more information, visit www.lajoyaisd.com or call (956) 323-2545. #LJISDTraditionOfExcellence
over 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
At La Joya ISD we are a Tradition of Excellence to ensure all students Shine Bright. Now enrolling for the 2023 - 2024 school year. ENROLL TODAY, Choose La Joya ISD! To complete the online enrollment, click on link below: https://www.lajoyaisd.com/page/office-of-admissions-records For more information, visit www.lajoyaisd.com or call (956) 323-2545. #LJISDTraditionOfExcellence
On behalf of La Joya ISD, we want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all La Joya ISD teachers for the incredible work that you do each day. As we celebrate National Teacher Appreciation Week, we want to take a moment to recognize your unwavering dedication to our students and their education. You are the backbone of our district, and your passion for teaching and nurturing young minds is truly remarkable. Your tireless efforts have not gone unnoticed, and we are proud to have you as part of our La Joya ISD family. We are grateful for all that you do, and we want you to know that your hard work and dedication are truly appreciated. Happy National Teacher Appreciation Week, and thank you for being amazing La Joya ISD teachers!
over 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
National Appreciation week 2023
May 2, 2023 Dear La Joya ISD Family, We are thrilled to inform you that power has been restored at JD Salinas Middle School, and normal operations will resume for the District at all campuses tomorrow, Wednesday May 3, 2023. We want to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to all the electric companies, their crews and district staff who worked tirelessly, collaboratively, and with utmost dedication to get our district back on track after the severe storm. Their unwavering commitment and hard work have been truly commendable. We also want to thank our parents, students, and staff for their patience, understanding, and support during these challenging times. It is your resilience and positivity that have kept our spirits high and motivated us to do better. As we resume our normal operations, we want to assure you that we remain committed to providing a safe, supportive, and enriching learning environment for all our students. We look forward to welcoming our students back to school and continuing to provide them with a quality education. At La Joya ISD we will remain STUDENT FOCUSED, DATA DRIVEN and RESULTS ORIENTED! **************************************** Estimada familia de La Joya ISD, Estamos encantados de informarles que se ha restablecido la electricidad en la Escuela JD Salinas Middle School y que las operaciones normales se reanudarán para el distrito en todas las escuelas mañana, miércoles 3 de mayo del 2023. Queremos aprovechar esta oportunidad para expresar nuestra más sincera gratitud y aprecio a todas las compañías eléctricas, sus equipos y el personal del distrito que trabajaron incansablemente, en colaboración y con la mayor dedicación para que nuestro distrito volviera a la normalidad después de la severa tormenta. También queremos agradecer a nuestros padres, estudiantes y personal por su paciencia, comprensión y apoyo durante estos tiempos difíciles. Es su resiliencia y positivismo lo que ha mantenido nuestros espíritus en alto y nos ha motivado a hacerlo mejor. A medida que reanudamos nuestras operaciones normales, queremos asegurarles que seguimos comprometidos a brindar un entorno de aprendizaje seguro, de apoyo y enriquecedor para todos nuestros estudiantes. Esperamos dar la bienvenida a nuestros estudiantes de regreso a la escuela y continuar brindándoles una educación de calidad. ¡En La Joya ISD permaneceremos ENFOCADOS EN LOS ESTUDIANTES, IMPULSADOS POR DATOS y ORIENTADOS A LOS RESULTADOS! Sincerely, Heriberto D. Gonzalez Interim Superintendent of Schools La Joya ISD
over 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
We are thrilled to inform you that power has been restored at JD Salinas Middle School, and normal operations will resume for the District at all campuses tomorrow, Wednesday May 3, 2023.
May 2, 2023 Dear La Joya ISD Family, We are happy to share that power has been restored at Leo J. Leo Elementary and Guillermo Flores Elementary. Classes will resume as scheduled for all campuses. However, electrical service interruption continue at J.D. Salinas Middle School. The following arrangements have been made for JD Middle School students: • Morning bus routes will run as scheduled. • Breakfast will be served at JD Salinas Middle School. • 6th grade students will be bused to Paredes Elementary for instruction. • 7th grade students will be bused to Garcia Middle School for instruction. • 8th grade students will be bused to Treviño Middle School for instruction. • At the end of the school day, all students will return to JD Salinas Middle School and normal bus routes and parent pick-ups will resume. • Due to these unforeseen circumstances, extra-curricular activities for JD Salinas Middle School will be canceled. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this challenging time. We look forward to welcoming our students back to school and continuing to provide them with a quality education. At La Joya ISD we will remain STUDENT FOCUSED, DATA DRIVEN and RESULTS ORIENTED! ************************************************ Estimada familia de La Joya ISD, Estamos felices de compartir que se ha restaurado la energía en las escuelas primarias Leo J. Leo y Guillermo Flores. Las clases se reanudarán según lo programado para todas las escuelas. Sin embargo, continúa la interrupción del servicio eléctrico en la Escuela J.D. Salinas Middle School. Se han hecho los siguientes arreglos para los estudiantes de la Escuela JD Salinas Middle School: • Las rutas de autobuses de la mañana funcionarán según lo programado. • El desayuno se servirá en la Escuela JD Salinas Middle School. • Los estudiantes de 6to grado serán transportados a la Primaria Paredes para recibir instrucción. • Los estudiantes de 7º grado serán transportados en autobús a la Escuela Irene García Middle School para recibir instrucción. • Los estudiantes de 8º grado serán transportados a la Escuela Domingo Treviño Middle School para recibir instrucción. • Al final del día escolar, todos los estudiantes regresarán a la Escuela Secundaria JD Salinas y se reanudarán las rutas normales de autobús y los padres podran recojer a sus hijos. • Debido a estas circunstancias imprevistas, se cancelarán las actividades extracurriculares de la Escuela JD Salinas Middle School. Agradecemos su paciencia y comprensión durante este momento difícil. Esperamos dar la bienvenida a nuestros estudiantes de regreso a la escuela y continuar brindándoles una educación de calidad. ¡En La Joya ISD permaneceremos ENFOCADOS EN LOS ESTUDIANTES, IMPULSADOS POR DATOS y ORIENTADOS A LOS RESULTADOS! Sincerely, Heriberto D. Gonzalez Interim Superintendent of Schools La Joya ISD
over 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
May 2, 2023  Dear La Joya ISD Family,  We are happy to share that power has been restored at Leo J. Leo Elementary and Guillermo Flores Elementary. Classes will resume as scheduled  for all campuses. However, electrical service interruption continue at J.D. Salinas Middle School.  The following arrangements have been made for JD Middle School students: •	Morning bus routes will run as scheduled. •	Breakfast will be served at JD Salinas Middle School. •	6th grade students will be bused to Paredes Elementary for instruction. •	7th grade students will be bused to Garcia Middle School for instruction. •	8th grade students will be bused to Treviño Middle School for instruction. •	At the end of the school day, all students will return to JD Salinas Middle School and normal bus routes and parent pick-ups 	will resume. •	Due to these unforeseen circumstances, extra-curricular activities for JD Salinas Middle School will be canceled.  We appreciate your patience and understanding during this challenging time. We look forward to welcoming our students back to school and continuing to provide them with a quality education.  At La Joya ISD we will remain STUDENT FOCUSED, DATA DRIVEN and RESULTS ORIENTED! ************************************************ Estimada familia de La Joya ISD, 	Estamos felices de compartir que se ha restaurado la energía en las escuelas primarias Leo J. Leo y Guillermo Flores. Las clases se reanudarán según lo programado para todas las escuelas. Sin embargo, continúa la interrupción del servicio eléctrico en la Escuela J.D. Salinas Middle School. Se han hecho los siguientes arreglos para los estudiantes de la Escuela JD Salinas Middle School:  •	Las rutas de autobuses de la mañana funcionarán según lo programado. •	El desayuno se servirá en la Escuela JD Salinas Middle School. •	Los estudiantes de 6to grado serán transportados a la Primaria Paredes para recibir instrucción. •	Los estudiantes de 7º grado serán transportados en autobús a la Escuela Irene García Middle School para recibir  instrucción. •	Los estudiantes de 8º grado serán transportados a la Escuela Domingo Treviño Middle School para recibir  instrucción. •	Al final del día escolar, todos los estudiantes regresarán a la Escuela Secundaria JD Salinas y se reanudarán las rutas normales de 	 autobús y los padres podran recojer a sus hijos. •	Debido a estas circunstancias imprevistas, se cancelarán las actividades extracurriculares de la Escuela JD Salinas Middle School.  	Agradecemos su paciencia y comprensión durante este momento difícil. Esperamos dar la bienvenida a nuestros estudiantes de regreso a la escuela y continuar brindándoles una educación de calidad.  	¡En La Joya ISD permaneceremos ENFOCADOS EN LOS ESTUDIANTES, IMPULSADOS POR DATOS y ORIENTADOS A LOS RESULTADOS! Sincerely,   Heriberto D. Gonzalez Interim Superintendent of Schools La Joya ISD
⚠️DISTRICT UPDATE⚠️ May 2, 2023 Dear La Joya ISD Family, We hope this letter finds you and your family well. We would like to take this opportunity to update you on the status of our schools following the recent storm. After assessing all our campuses, we are pleased to inform you that we are ready to resume instruction on Wednesday, May 3, 2023. However, despite the ongoing efforts of the electrical companies, Leo J. Leo Elementary, Guillermo Flores Elementary and J.D. Salinas Middle School continue to have service interruptions. Updates for these campuses will be made available as we receive them. We understand that the storm has caused inconvenience and disruption to our students' learning, but we are committed to ensuring a smooth transition back. Advance Placement (AP), STAAR and EOC Testing window will continue as scheduled for Wednesday, May 3, 2023 – Friday, May 5, 2023. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this challenging time. We look forward to welcoming our students back to school and continuing to provide them with a quality education. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your school administration. At La Joya ISD we will remain STUDENT FOCUSED, DATA DRIVEN and RESULTS ORIENTED! ************************************** Estimada familia de La Joya ISD, Espero que esta carta los encuentre bien a usted y a su familia. Nos gustaría aprovechar esta oportunidad para informarles sobre el estado de nuestras escuelas después de la reciente tormenta. Después de evaluar todos nuestros planteles, nos complace informarles que estamos listos para reanudar las clases el miércoles 3 de mayo de 2023. Sin embargo, a pesar de los esfuerzos continuos de las compañías eléctricas, las escuelas Leo J. Leo Elementary, Guillermo Flores Elementary y J.D. Salinas Middle School continúan teniendo interrupciones en el servicio. Las actualizaciones para estas escuelas estarán disponibles a medida que las recibamos. Entendemos que la tormenta ha causado inconvenientes e interrupciones en el aprendizaje de nuestros estudiantes, pero estamos comprometidos a garantizar una transición sin problemas. La ventana de pruebas de colocación avanzada (AP), STAAR y EOC continuará según lo programado del miércoles 3 de mayo del 2023 al viernes 5 de mayo del 2023. Agradecemos su paciencia y comprensión durante este momento difícil. Esperamos dar la bienvenida a nuestros estudiantes de regreso a la escuela y continuar brindándoles una educación de calidad. Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, no dude en comunicarse con la administración de su escuela. ¡En La Joya ISD permaneceremos ENFOCADOS EN LOS ESTUDIANTES, IMPULSADOS POR DATOS y ORIENTADOS A LOS RESULTADOS! Sincerely, Heriberto D. Gonzalez Interim Superintendent of Schools La Joya ISD
over 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
May 2, 2023 Dear La Joya ISD Family, 	We hope this letter finds you and your family well. We would like to take this opportunity to update you on the status of our schools following the recent storm. 	After assessing all our campuses, we are pleased to inform you that we are ready to resume instruction on Wednesday, May 3, 2023. However, despite the ongoing efforts of the electrical companies, Leo J. Leo Elementary, Guillermo Flores Elementary and J.D. Salinas Middle School continue to have service interruptions. Updates for these campuses will be made available as we receive them.  	We understand that the storm has caused inconvenience and disruption to our students' learning, but we are committed to ensuring a smooth transition back. 	Advance Placement (AP), STAAR and EOC Testing window will continue as scheduled for Wednesday, May 3, 2023 – Friday, May 5, 2023. 	We appreciate your patience and understanding during this challenging time. We look forward to welcoming our students back to school and continuing to provide them with a quality education. 	If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your school administration. At La Joya ISD we will remain STUDENT FOCUSED, DATA DRIVEN and RESULTS ORIENTED! *********************************************** Estimada familia de La Joya ISD,  	Espero que esta carta los encuentre bien a usted y a su familia. Nos gustaría aprovechar esta oportunidad para informarles sobre el estado de nuestras escuelas después de la reciente tormenta. 	Después de evaluar todos nuestros planteles, nos complace informarles que estamos listos para reanudar las clases el miércoles 3 de mayo de 2023.  	Sin embargo, a pesar de los esfuerzos continuos de las compañías eléctricas, las escuelas Leo J. Leo Elementary, Guillermo Flores Elementary y J.D. Salinas Middle School continúan teniendo interrupciones en el servicio. Las actualizaciones para estas escuelas estarán disponibles a medida que las recibamos. 	Entendemos que la tormenta ha causado inconvenientes e interrupciones en el aprendizaje de nuestros estudiantes, pero estamos comprometidos a garantizar una transición sin problemas. 	La ventana de pruebas de colocación avanzada (AP), STAAR y EOC continuará según lo programado del miércoles 3 de mayo del 2023 al viernes 5 de mayo del 2023. 	Agradecemos su paciencia y comprensión durante este momento difícil. Esperamos dar la bienvenida a nuestros estudiantes de regreso a la escuela y continuar brindándoles una educación de calidad. 	Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, no dude en comunicarse con la administración de su escuela. ¡En La Joya ISD permaneceremos ENFOCADOS EN LOS ESTUDIANTES, IMPULSADOS POR DATOS y ORIENTADOS A LOS RESULTADOS!  Sincerely,   Heriberto D. Gonzalez Interim Superintendent of Schools La Joya ISD
💎Attention La Joya ISD Community💎 La Joya ISD - McKinney-Vento Act The McKinney-Vento Act ensures educational rights and protections for homeless children and youth. We are gathering information to properly identify students and families who were affected by the storm to ensure their educational rights are protected. Please can a few minutes to fill out survey below, deadline is May 15, 2023 https://forms.gle/ZkDkhjM3BNqwqwYL6 *********************** 💎 Atención Comunidad de La Joya ISD💎 La Ley McKinney-Vento garantiza los derechos educativos y la protección de los niños y jóvenes sin hogar. Estamos recopilando información para identificar adecuadamente a los estudiantes y las familias que se vieron afectados por la tormenta para garantizar que se protejan sus derechos educativos. Tome unos minutos para completar la encuesta a continuación, la fecha límite es el 15 de mayo del 2023. https://forms.gle/ZkDkhjM3BNqwqwYL6
over 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
La Joya ISD - McKinney-Vento Act
La Joya ISD Family: We are excited to announce that free breakfast and lunch meals will be served to ALL children 0 - 18 years at the following locations on May 2, 2023 from 10AM to 1PM. Please take advantage of this opportunity and stay safe. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
La Joya ISD Family: We are excited to announce that free breakfast and lunch meals will be served to all La Joya ISD students at the following locations on May 2, 2023 from 10AM to 1PM. Please take advantage of this opportunity and stay safe. Thank you!
La Joya ISD Family: We are excited to announce that free breakfast and lunch meals will be served to all La Joya ISD students at the following locations on May 2, 2023 from 10AM to 1PM. Please take advantage of this opportunity and stay safe. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
La Joya ISD Family: We are excited to announce that free breakfast and lunch meals will be served to all La Joya ISD students at the following locations on May 2, 2023 from 10AM to 1PM.  Please take advantage of this opportunity and stay safe. Thank you!
Dear La Joya ISD Family, We hope this letter finds you well. We want to inform you that after careful consideration and assessment of the conditions in our district and continued power outages throughout our schools, we have made the decision to cancel all classes on Tuesday, May 2, 2023. However, all staff members will be required to report to work. The STAAR - EOC testing has been rescheduled to take place from Wednesday, May 3 to Friday, May 5 of this week. The AP exams scheduled for this week will be postponed until a later date. Once the district calendar has been adjusted and approved, it will be shared with all staff members. We appreciate the understanding and cooperation of our dedicated staff during this time. We recognize your commitment to our district and our students, and we know that you will continue to work hard to provide the best education possible. We want to assure our community that we will be closely monitoring the situation and will provide updates as needed. We encourage you to continue to check our social media platforms and website for the latest district updates. We thank you for your continued support and understanding during this challenging time. We are proud to be a part of the La Joya ISD community, and we are committed to doing everything we can to keep our students and staff safe. At La Joya ISD we will remain STUDENT FOCUSED, DATA DRIVEN and RESULTS ORIENTED! ******************************************************** Estimada familia de La Joya ISD, Esperamos que esta carta lo encuentre bien. Queremos informarle que después de una cuidadosa consideración y evaluación de las condiciones en nuestro distrito y continuos cortes de energía en nuestras escuelas, hemos tomado la decisión de cancelar todas las clases el martes 2 de mayo de 2023. Sin embargo, se requerirá que todos los miembros del personal para reportarse a trabajar. Los exámenes STAAR - EOC se ha aplazado del miércoles, 3 de mayo hasta el Viernes 5 de mayo . Los exámenes AP se reprogramarán para una fecha posterior. Una vez que se ajuste y apruebe el calendario del distrito, se compartirá con todo el personal. Agradecemos la comprensión y cooperación de nuestro dedicado personal durante este tiempo. Reconocemos su compromiso con nuestro distrito y nuestros estudiantes, y sabemos que continuará trabajando arduamente para brindar la mejor educación posible. Queremos asegurarle a nuestra comunidad que estaremos monitoreando de cerca la situación y brindaremos actualizaciones según sea necesario. Lo alentamos a que continúe revisando nuestras plataformas de redes sociales y el sitio web para obtener las últimas actualizaciones del distrito. Le agradecemos su continuo apoyo y comprensión durante este momento difícil. Estamos orgullosos de ser parte de la comunidad de La Joya ISD y estamos comprometidos a hacer todo lo posible para mantener seguros a nuestros estudiantes y personal. ¡En La Joya ISD permaneceremos ENFOCADOS EN LOS ESTUDIANTES, IMPULSADOS POR DATOS y ORIENTADOS A LOS RESULTADOS! Sincerely, Heriberto D. Gonzalez Interim Superintendent of Schools La Joya ISD
over 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
Dear La Joya ISD Family, 	We hope this letter finds you well. We want to inform you that after careful consideration and assessment of the conditions in our district and continued power outages throughout our schools, we have made the decision to cancel all classes on Tuesday, May 2, 2023. However, all staff members will be required to report to work.  	The STAAR - EOC testing has been rescheduled to take place from Wednesday, May 3 to Friday, May 5 of this week. The AP exams scheduled for this week will be postponed until a later date. Once the district calendar has been adjusted and approved, it will be shared with all staff members.  	We appreciate the understanding and cooperation of our dedicated staff during this time. We recognize your commitment to our district and our students, and we know that you will continue to work hard to provide the best education possible.  	We want to assure our community that we will be closely monitoring the situation and will provide updates as needed. We encourage you to continue to check our social media platforms and website for the latest district updates.  	We thank you for your continued support and understanding during this challenging time. We are proud to be a part of the La Joya ISD community, and we are committed to doing everything we can to keep our students and staff safe.  	At La Joya ISD we will remain STUDENT FOCUSED, DATA DRIVEN and RESULTS ORIENTED!
⚠️DISTRICT UPDATE⚠️ Attention La Joya ISD community, the Crisis Team has met and completed a thorough assessment of our district. We are working diligently to gather all necessary information and will provide you with an update shortly. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time. ********************************* ⚠️ACTUALIZACIÓN DEL DISTRITO⚠️ Atención comunidad de La Joya ISD, el equipo de crisis se ha reunido y completado una evaluación exhaustiva de nuestro distrito. Estamos trabajando diligentemente para recopilar toda la información necesaria y les proporcionaremos una actualización en breve. Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión durante este tiempo.
over 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
La Joya ISD Crisis Team 2023
⚠️DISTRICT UPDATE ⚠️ La Joya ISD Family! Just a friendly reminder that La Joya ISD will be closed for students and staff on Monday, May 1, 2023 due to recent severe weather conditions and continued power outages throughout our district and community. Stay safe! ************************************** ⚠️ACTUALIZACIÓN DEL DISTRITO ⚠️ ¡Familia del Distrito Escolar de La Joya! Solo un recordatorio amistoso de que La Joya ISD estará cerrado para los estudiantes y el personal el lunes 1 de mayo de 2023 debido a las recientes condiciones climáticas severas y los continuos cortes de energía en todo nuestro distrito y comunidad. ¡Mantenerse seguro!
over 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
school district closed for Monday May 1, 2023
We want to take a moment to recognize and thank the hardworking staff from the Operations Department who are tirelessly working this weekend to remove debris from across our district. Your dedication and commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of our community is truly inspiring. We understand that the past few days have been challenging, but your hard work has made a significant difference in the lives of our students and their families. We are proud to be a part of such a dedicated team, and we are grateful for everything you are doing to get our district back on track for Tuesday morning. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to our community and La Joya ISD. Heriberto D. Gonzalez Interim Superintendent of Schools La Joya ISD
over 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
We want to take a moment to recognize and thank the hardworking staff from the Operations Department who are tirelessly working to remove debris from across our district. Your dedication and commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of our community is truly inspiring. We understand that the past few days have been challenging, but your hard work has made a significant difference in the lives of our students and their families. We are proud to be a part of such a dedicated team, and we are grateful for everything you are doing to get our district back on track for Tuesday morning. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to our community and La Joya ISD.
We want to take a moment to recognize and thank the hardworking staff from the Operations Department who are tirelessly working to remove debris from across our district. Your dedication and commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of our community is truly inspiring. We understand that the past few days have been challenging, but your hard work has made a significant difference in the lives of our students and their families. We are proud to be a part of such a dedicated team, and we are grateful for everything you are doing to get our district back on track for Tuesday morning. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to our community and La Joya ISD.
We want to take a moment to recognize and thank the hardworking staff from the Operations Department who are tirelessly working to remove debris from across our district. Your dedication and commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of our community is truly inspiring. We understand that the past few days have been challenging, but your hard work has made a significant difference in the lives of our students and their families. We are proud to be a part of such a dedicated team, and we are grateful for everything you are doing to get our district back on track for Tuesday morning. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to our community and La Joya ISD.
We want to take a moment to recognize and thank the hardworking staff from the Operations Department who are tirelessly working to remove debris from across our district. Your dedication and commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of our community is truly inspiring. We understand that the past few days have been challenging, but your hard work has made a significant difference in the lives of our students and their families. We are proud to be a part of such a dedicated team, and we are grateful for everything you are doing to get our district back on track for Tuesday morning. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to our community and La Joya ISD.
We want to take a moment to recognize and thank the hardworking staff from the Operations Department who are tirelessly working to remove debris from across our district. Your dedication and commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of our community is truly inspiring. We understand that the past few days have been challenging, but your hard work has made a significant difference in the lives of our students and their families. We are proud to be a part of such a dedicated team, and we are grateful for everything you are doing to get our district back on track for Tuesday morning. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to our community and La Joya ISD.
We want to take a moment to recognize and thank the hardworking staff from the Operations Department who are tirelessly working to remove debris from across our district. Your dedication and commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of our community is truly inspiring. We understand that the past few days have been challenging, but your hard work has made a significant difference in the lives of our students and their families. We are proud to be a part of such a dedicated team, and we are grateful for everything you are doing to get our district back on track for Tuesday morning. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to our community and La Joya ISD.
We want to take a moment to recognize and thank the hardworking staff from the Operations Department who are tirelessly working to remove debris from across our district. Your dedication and commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of our community is truly inspiring. We understand that the past few days have been challenging, but your hard work has made a significant difference in the lives of our students and their families. We are proud to be a part of such a dedicated team, and we are grateful for everything you are doing to get our district back on track for Tuesday morning. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to our community and La Joya ISD.
We want to take a moment to recognize and thank the hardworking staff from the Operations Department who are tirelessly working to remove debris from across our district. Your dedication and commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of our community is truly inspiring. We understand that the past few days have been challenging, but your hard work has made a significant difference in the lives of our students and their families. We are proud to be a part of such a dedicated team, and we are grateful for everything you are doing to get our district back on track for Tuesday morning. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to our community and La Joya ISD.
We want to take a moment to recognize and thank the hardworking staff from the Operations Department who are tirelessly working to remove debris from across our district. Your dedication and commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of our community is truly inspiring. We understand that the past few days have been challenging, but your hard work has made a significant difference in the lives of our students and their families. We are proud to be a part of such a dedicated team, and we are grateful for everything you are doing to get our district back on track for Tuesday morning. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to our community and La Joya ISD.
We want to take a moment to recognize and thank the hardworking staff from the Operations Department who are tirelessly working to remove debris from across our district. Your dedication and commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of our community is truly inspiring. We understand that the past few days have been challenging, but your hard work has made a significant difference in the lives of our students and their families. We are proud to be a part of such a dedicated team, and we are grateful for everything you are doing to get our district back on track for Tuesday morning. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to our community and La Joya ISD.
Due to recent severe weather conditions and continued power outages throughout our district and community, La Joya ISD will be CLOSED for students and staff on Monday, May 1, 2023. Essential services will be required to continue. Therefore, during this time ANY employee may be asked to report to work by their immediate supervisor to provide essential services. We will continue to monitor conditions, and will assess the safety and electrical power availability at schools to determine when we will resume normal operations at La Joya ISD. Please continue to check our social media platforms with the handle @lajoyaisd and our district website at www.lajoyaisd.com for the latest updates. At La Joya ISD we will remain STUDENT FOCUSED, DATA DRIVEN and RESULTS ORIENTED!
over 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
Due to recent severe weather conditions and continued power outages throughout our district and community, La Joya ISD will be CLOSED for students and staff on Monday, May 1, 2023.
⚠️[DISTRICT UPDATE]⚠️ Due to recent severe weather conditions and power outages throughout our district and for the safety of our students, staff and community, La Joya ISD will be canceling classes on Monday, May 1, 2023. Employees will continue their regular schedule for Monday, May 1, 2023. STAAR and EOC testing scheduled for Tuesday, May 2, 2023 will be administered on Wednesday, May 3, 2023.
over 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
Due to recent severe weather conditions and power outages throughout our district and for the safety of our students, staff and community, La Joya ISD will be canceling classes on Monday, May 1, 2023. Employees will continue their regular schedule for Monday, May 1, 2023.  STAAR and EOC testing scheduled for Tuesday, May 2, 2023 will be administered on Wednesday, May 3, 2023.
⚠️[DISTRICT UPDATE]⚠️ We hope everyone is safe, La Joya ISD Crisis Team is holding an emergency meeting to asses last night’s storm and will update you shortly on all activities scheduled for today and Monday. #LJISDTraditionOfExcellence
over 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
crisis team meeting
On April 27, 2023 La Joya ISD held its La Joya ISD Police Department Dedication Ceremony to honor Officer JJ Morales "KILO 1". We had the opportunity to express our appreciation for the exemplary work done by one of our own, Police Officer JJ Morales “KILO 1”. Our Police Department strives to provide excellence in safety by working collaboratively with the community and district to address crime. This meant that we honored an individual because their work and ethic was truly exceptional. Thank you to the Morales Family and everyone who contributed to this memorable event.
over 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
On April 27, 2023 La Joya ISD held its La Joya ISD Police Department Dedication Ceremony to honor Officer JJ Morales "KILO 1". We had the opportunity to express our appreciation for the exemplary work done by one of our own, Police Officer JJ Morales “KILO 1”. Our Police Department strives to provide excellence in safety by working collaboratively with the community and district to address crime. This meant that we honored an individual because their work and ethic was truly exceptional. He deserves our recognition and gratitude. Thank you to the Morales Family and everyone who contributed to this memorable event.
over 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
Playoff Schedule
Happy Administrative Professionals' Day! Please help us recognize our incredible team of secretaries, administrative assistants and office professionals for all that they do to support our students, staff and schools day in and day out. Thank you for all you do to keep our school operations and front offices running smoothly! You are the glue that holds us together!! We appreciate you today and every day.
over 1 year ago, La Joya ISD
happy national administrative assistant Day